
What is a corporate compliance program in healthcare?

A healthcare corporate compliance program involves a set of internal policies and procedures put into place in order to comply with laws, rules, and regulations. Multiple components make a strong program, with training and education an essential part.

August 10, 2021


How will COVID-19 change healthcare leader decisions?

The pandemic – a big disruption to healthcare - is being felt across society. In April 2021, HealthStream asked “What Are Healthcare Executives Thinking About the Past, Present and Future?” Through survey responses, leaders told us about degrees of devastation and ranked present-day challenges. How do you think COVID-19 impacted organizations?

August 09, 2021


What is the Quadruple Aim – Four strategies for improving healthcare

The Quadruple Aim is a 4-part strategy aimed at improving healthcare for patients and providers. This blog post begins our series based on the HealthStream ebook exploring serious healthcare industry problems and identifying solutions for them.

August 06, 2021


Why 2021 is the best time to move resuscitation training online

A big appeal of online resuscitation training for healthcare organizations is financial in nature. Moving a resuscitation program online will definitely save time and money.

August 05, 2021


Everything You Need to Know About Delegated Credentialing

As health systems grow larger, more and more of them are adopting Delegated Credentialing. In this post we cover what Delegated Credentialing is, what it requires, and what it takes to form a Delegated Entity Credentialing Committee.

August 04, 2021


Keeping up with technology in healthcare education

Keeping up with technology in healthcare education is essential for providers, both in terms of operational efficiency as well as employee satisfaction and retention.

August 04, 2021


Helping nurses safely return to patient care

Nurses can safely and confidently return to the bedside if they are equipped with the necessary didactic education. Sigma's Return to Nursing program, designed for nurses who've been out of the workforce but want to return to practice, is an ideal solution at this moment of nursing shortages and increased need for nursing care.

August 03, 2021


Understanding the cost of bias within an organization

Bias can have a devastating impact on a workplace, especially in terms of how employees feel about their work environment and how much of themselves they put into their jobs. The article-based blog post looks at some statistics surrounding the impact of workplace bias.

July 27, 2021


Three strategies for avoiding bias in recruitment

An important area in which to reduce bias is recruitment. Start by understanding that you cannot eliminate bias completely, because recruitment will always have a subjective component, especially in face-to-face interactions. Here are three important strategies for reducing the impact of bias on recruitment.

July 19, 2021


Was healthcare ready for the issues it's faced?

In April  2021, HealthStream asked 14 survey questions to better understand “What Are Healthcare Executives Thinking About the Past, Present and Future?” Leaders were asked to rate aspects of healthcare from the past decade and assess how well the past prepared them for big challenges. How do you think that leaders responded?

July 14, 2021


5 reasons to use an online resuscitation training program

Though providers may have their own additional justifications, here are some of the most prominent reasons for making the switch to an online resuscitation program.

July 09, 2021


Medical Staff Bylaws Impact on Staff Structure and Credentialing Committees

Every hospital is governed by medical staff bylaws specific to their organization. These bylaws dictate a variety of things, like how a medical staff structure is organized and categorized and how credentialing committees function. Read on for a deeper understanding of how it all works.

July 07, 2021


Three clinical reasons to take your resuscitation education program online

Among the many reasons to go online for resuscitation training is the benefit it promises for patient outcomes from a clinical direction. Here are three of the clinical reasons that many organizations have already made the leap to online resuscitation training.

July 05, 2021


How to save money with an online resuscitation education program

A big appeal of online resuscitation training for healthcare organizations is financial in nature. Moving a resuscitation program online will definitely save time and money.

July 05, 2021


Five benefits of moving to American Red Cross Resuscitation Training

In addition to the value of a new approach to resuscitation training, adopting this program from the American Red Cross offers multiple benefits. Here are five of the most important reasons.

July 01, 2021


Residential care industry changes that may result from COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis in nursing homes has brought attention and possible change to this area of care in unexpected and unanticipated ways. There is an opportunity to make a difference in how we invest in the residential care system and the quality of care it provides, from technology and higher wages a, to investing in the workforce.

June 23, 2021


Improving clinical employee satisfaction to enhance retention

Improving clinical employee satisfaction is important like never before as healthcare faces serious employee shortages. Here are some recent examples of ways organizations are working to improve the healthcare employee work environment and especially nurse satisfaction.

June 18, 2021


Forming a Disaster Management Plan for Healthcare

This is a time when large-scale disasters are becoming more frequent, some of them linked to climate change and global warming. This blog looks at healthcare disaster impacts, serious vulnerabilities, preparation best practices, and the need for enhanced disaster recovery planning in healthcare organizations.

June 17, 2021


How do nurses influence health policy?

Given that there are more nurses than any other profession in healthcare, nurses should play a larger role in creating healthcare policy. This blog posts looks at why and how the policy change influence of nurses can be improved, as well as ways it is already felt.

June 14, 2021


COVID-19 Made Reopening Long-Term Care Especially Difficult

The delayed reopening of nursing homes and long-term care facilities during the height of the COVID-19 was problematic for residents, who suffered in the absence of the vital support and engagement of visitors and family members.

June 11, 2021