
HealthStream’s Top 10 Revenue Cycle Blog Posts from 2017

Providers’ success at providing quality care is at risk when the revenue cycle is not working well. These 10 HealthStream blog posts from 2017 demonstrate our commitment to solutions focused on improving the revenue cycle.

April 01, 2021


Changing Healthcare’s Mindset Around CPR Training and Readiness

Many healthcare organizations see CPR training as a one-off exercise, when instead they should view it as a critical component of patient care and improved outcomes.

April 01, 2021


10 Things to Know about CoPs for Home Health Agencies in 2018

With insight from Gina Mazza of Fazzi Associates, understand the basic information about the new Conditions of Participation for Home Health Agencies that must be implemented by January 13, 2018.

April 01, 2021


CPR Training and Education Evolves to Improve Survivability and Outcomes

CPR training is evolving and improving for better outcomes. It now incorporates multiple components, including online coursework, live classes, interactive testing manikins, and regular drills to assess competency.

April 01, 2021


Ensuring Better Care Transitions for Frail Geriatric Patients

By educating the entire inter-professional team about open and honest communication, shared decision-making, and how to recognize frailty and frailty-related conditions, we will make significant advances in the care for older adults in our country.

April 01, 2021


Best Practices, Experts, Predictions, and Problems: HealthStream’s Top 10 Blog Posts for 2017

Here are our 10 most popular blog posts published in 2017. The topics ranged from best practices and responses to new government mandates to predictions about problems healthcare leaders would be facing throughout the year and beyond.

April 01, 2021


Understanding the Value of Virtual Reality for Healthcare

Dr. Albert “Skip” Rizzo, Ph.D., Director Medical Virtual Reality-Institute for Creative Technologies, and Research Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California discusses the development and future promise of virtual reality in healthcare.

April 01, 2021


Current and Future Ways Augmented Reality is Improving Healthcare

Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have the potential to transform the way medical students learn, change how physicians understand and care for their patients, and produce an entirely different type of healthcare in the future.

April 01, 2021


Effective Healthcare Guidelines for Using Data vs. Being ‘Data Driven’

Massive amounts of data are useless if the workforce cannot understand what’s been collected, or how to use it to improve systems and processes. A truly ‘data driven’ operation ensures that its workforce can capture, analyze and use data effectively.

April 01, 2021


Supporting Leader Development in Healthcare

Leadership development training is essential to employee retention and development of new leaders. To be successful in these efforts, healthcare organizations must secure leadership buy-in, identify their development targets, and create support mechanisms that will sustain the program.

April 01, 2021


Predictions for Data’s Future in Healthcare and Elsewhere

Big Data is seen as a monolithic warehouse that can be cherry-picked for relevant information. That’s going to change as healthcare and other major industry sectors realize that end users need a steadier, and usable, flow of information.

April 01, 2021


Five Basic Guidelines for Compliance Program Education

One of the important elements of healthcare compliance is staff education. Here are five basic guidelines for setting up or strengthening the training component of a compliance program.

April 01, 2021


The Importance of Making Healthcare Data Understandable and Actionable

Data is only useful if it’s understandable, digestible and actionable. Creating a system to sift, organize and present data in meaningful ways to end users is essential to making that happen.

April 01, 2021


Five Ways Virtual Reality is Improving Healthcare

Virtual Reality (VR) allows one to “enter” an alternative and feel as if they are in the virtual world they see. Over the past decade developers have expanded the capabilities of VR headsets and created programs that are now being used in healthcare.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare Credentialing Verification and Merger-Acquisition Due Diligence

Given the trend toward healthcare consolidation through mergers and acquisitions, we wanted to understand the impact these deals have on a medical staff office (MSO), and how to manage combining multiple privileging and credentialing processes.

April 01, 2021


How Data Insights Are Improving Training—Especially in Healthcare

Recognizing the role data plays in training is good, but knowing how to utilize it to provide not only quality training, but programs that are tailored to organizational goals and employee needs and skill sets is crucial.

April 01, 2021


Retain Healthcare Employees by Offering a Path to Leadership Roles

Leadership development programs should identify, develop, and retain employees who demonstrate leadership potential and performance to create a pipeline of candidates and support future succession planning needs.

April 01, 2021


Customer or Patient: the Word You Use and the Matter of Trust

Are they customers or patients? Dr. John Boornazian explains the difference. People may approach the continuum of care as customers, but when they develop trusting relationships with healthcare professionals, they become patients.

April 01, 2021


Reducing Reimbursement Risk: Communication and Training

Training for consistency and accuracy can improve collections, reimbursement, and denial rates. When patient access staff communicate early with patients about financial responsibility, they also maximize upfront collections. Educating clinical staff will reduce reimbursement risk.

April 01, 2021


New Compliance and Ethics Program Requirements for Nursing Facilities

Nursing facility providers are now required to design and implement a multi-component compliance and ethics program, effective as of November 28, 2016, but with an implementation process that spans a three year period.

April 01, 2021