
Performance Review and Competency Assessment: How They Fit Together

Performance appraisal and competency assessment fall into the same basic family, but they also have some differences. Performance appraisal often refers to the overall employee evaluation

April 01, 2021


Better Preceptors Promote an Engaged and Competent Nursing Workforce

There has been plenty written on developing an engaged workforce with recommendations that point to hiring the right people in the first place (Bowen, Ledford, Nathan, 2013, and Kristof, 2006). The importance of manager competence in screening, interviewing, and identifying the personal characteristics and competencies of individuals who will best complement their teams cannot be overstated.

April 01, 2021


Why Primary Nursing has Everything to do with Professional Practice

When I first heard Marie Manthey state, “Primary Nursing is the only care delivery system that nails professional practice,” I wanted to know more. At the time I’d just begun what was to become an intense interest, belief, and later a transference of information to care providers about this way of delivering care to those experiencing illness, a procedure/surgery, or wellness care.

April 01, 2021


Focus on What Matters in Patient Surveys: The Person, Not the Score

There has never been a time in our history with greater focus or energy on how patients are experiencing their care. In a recent Beryl Institute study, 70% of CEOs identified the patient experience as being among their top three priorities for organizational excellence and success.

April 01, 2021


Making Healthcare Staff Meetings More Engaging

Here’s an issue that managers across the health care spectrum deal with all the time: Today is the monthly leadership meeting for our organization. The agenda was posted yesterday and includes a review of the following items:

April 01, 2021


Nurse Managers: The Formula for Building Strong Teams

I believe Nurse Managers have the toughest job on the planet. They are accountable for operations, budget, staff satisfaction, patient satisfaction, staffing, quality outcomes—heck, all outcomes!

April 01, 2021


The Faces of Sepsis: Could It Be You or Your Loved One?

This guest blog from our partner, Medical Simulation Corporation, is published in support of World Sepsis Day, whose goal is to reduce the global incidence of sepsis by 20% by 2020.

April 01, 2021


Access Precyse Physician Office ICD-10 Education Now Via HealthStream

Through its partnership with HealthStream (NASDAQ: HSTM), Precyse University, the most innovative, complete and widely adopted on-site, online and mobile ICD-10 education solution, has launched a powerful and unique ICD-10 education program for the physician office/ambulatory market.

April 01, 2021


Differentiating Between Healthcare Performance and Education Issues

As a young nursing professional development specialist I learned a very valuable lesson: It’s extremely important to understand exactly what the desired outcome of an educational program is.

April 01, 2021


Primary Nursing Paves the Way for Safer, More Rewarding Care

I have to admit that I am dumbfounded by the resistance I’ve encountered from direct care providers, right up to the CNO, to Primary Nursing. The first time I heard a colleague share an example of a Primary Nurse explaining his or her role to a patient, I remember thinking, “This is great; I would really feel safe as a patient or family member if my nurse spoke those words.”

April 01, 2021


New Partnership for Expert Online Compliance Training Courses

HealthStream has formed a strategic partnership with Health Care Compliance Strategies, Inc. (HCCS), a leading provider of online compliance and competency training courses. The partnership enables HealthStream clients to train their staff using well respected online compliance education directly on their existing HealthStream Learning Center platform.

April 01, 2021


Creating Positive Change in Healthcare Through Appreciative Questions

Appreciative questions are a simple and effective way to inspire people and reinforce desired behavior. They can put a positive spin on huddles, staff meetings or during casual rounds with staff.

April 01, 2021


Writing a Healthcare Competency: How Detailed Should You Get?

I get many questions from people about how detailed to get when writing a healthcare competency statement. Should you write a competency statement and then add a sub-set of details that reflect all the skill aspects of that competency or details that describe the steps of a given procedure? The answer to this is, “Not necessarily.”

April 01, 2021


The Hardest Job in Healthcare: Partnership is Key for Clinical Managers

I recently surveyed a group of clinical managers who were identified by their supervisors as exemplars based on these key outcomes:

April 01, 2021


Nurses Have an Amazing Capacity to Do More

I know if I said “Nurses have an amazing capacity to do more” in a speech before an audience of nurses many would get angry, and some would probably walk out. And yet, it is something that I believe to be true. Not for all nurses, not in all work situations, not all the time, but something we would be foolish to deny.

April 01, 2021


Nursing: Which is More Important-Butts in Seats or Measurable Change?

To all of my fellow professional development specialists out there: If someone asked you what your outcomes are this month, how would you answer?

April 01, 2021


Empowering Families to Create Better Patient Outcomes

We need to empower families to be partners with us, not visitors to the room. This is true patient/family empowerment in their care—inviting their input so that we design the best care for that individual and help them to be a healing presence for their loved one.

April 01, 2021


American Heart Association Instructor Essentials Courses Now Available!

AHA Instructor Essentials courses are new online courses that have replaced the AHA Core Instructor Course, which has been discontinued. The Instructor Essentials courses are a required step to become an AHA Instructor, to add a discipline, and for all AHA Faculty.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare Mentoring Matters Pt.3: Establishing Mentee Trust & Safety

In Part II of the HealthStream Mentoring Matters series, I defined the three top priorities for developing a successful mentor/mentee relationship as: 1) defining the mentor/mentee goals, 2) formalizing the goals by writing them out and articulating who is responsible for what, and 3) developing an actionable timeline for accomplishing the agreed upon goals.

April 01, 2021


Getting the Most Out of Patient Rounds

Patient rounds can have unexpected benefits when a few simple techniques are followed. Over time, as I began to refine my approach, I got better results: I noticed that patients became reassured and felt safer, I got meaningful staff compliments, and I learned useful ideas to make care even better because patients felt more comfortable sharing.

April 01, 2021