
Understanding the Regulatory Burden across the Healthcare Spectrum

The regulatory burden faced by organizations across the healthcare continuum is significant in terms of the time and resources involved in meeting its requirements. $39 billion is the annual cost to healthcare providers to comply with the administrative aspects of regulatory compliance.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare Trend Watch — Digital healthcare organizations are emerging

Digital transformation requires rethinking business processes of all kinds. It’s fundamentally about using digital technologies and data to put the customer/patient at the center of your business.

April 01, 2021


The Financial and Care Impacts of Healthcare Turnover

The cost of turnover at one major medical center represented a loss of more than 5 percent of the total annual operating budget, according to an article in Health Care Management Review.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare Innovation--Using Voice to Access Healthcare Services

We are seeing the beginning of the move to voice access in healthcare, which was easy to predict once voice-powered technologies became commonplace in the U.S. home environment.

April 01, 2021


How to Become a Healthcare Compliance Officer

The career outlook for healthcare compliance careers is very promising. A few years ago, The Wall Street Journal labeled compliance officer the hottest job in America.

April 01, 2021


Why do people leave healthcare jobs?

Every time a healthcare employee leaves, there is a potential impact on care quality, patient experience, and organizational operations. Why does it happen and what should be done about it?

April 01, 2021


Compliance Trends-The Changing Regulatory Landscape for Opioids

The HHS Secretary has declared a public health emergency in response to increased use and abuse of prescription opioids. The industry is facing more monitoring, more scrutiny, and more prescription oversight.

April 01, 2021


It’s All About Data--The Future of Healthcare Credentialing, Privileging, and Enrollment

We are now rapidly moving into collecting data related to credentialing, privileging and enrollment. Those that work in those areas are regularly being asked for data – and the data needs to be compared to other organizations in order to be most relevant and actionable.

April 01, 2021


What Is Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing?

Evidence-based practice has become the go-to standard for clinical effectiveness, and nurses must lead the way to integrate the concept into all aspects of patient care.

April 01, 2021


Why Adopt a High Quality Resuscitation Program for the Care Continuum?

Healthcare is changing significantly—more care is occurring outside hospitals, and organizations across the care continuum are treating patients with far higher levels of acuity than ever before. This makes resuscitation far more important across the care continuum, where current resuscitation success ranges from 2 to 11 percent.

April 01, 2021


Nurse Retention Is More Critical Than Ever, Given the Worsening Nurse Shortage

To counteract growing nurse shortages, healthcare organizations must get better at keeping their nurses from leaving.

April 01, 2021


Could eConsults Help with Physician Specialist Shortages?

In a March 18, 2019 New York Times article, Austin Frakt talks about the potential benefits of eConsults for healthcare. In essence, eConsults occur when a primary care doctor consults a specialist about a patient electronically, probably by email, in place of an appointment.

April 01, 2021


What is Revenue Cycle in Healthcare?

The healthcare revenue cycle is integral to facility stability, so a well-rounded training and continuing education approach must be taken to ensure full staff understanding and buy-in.

April 01, 2021


Hot Topics for 2019 in Healthcare Compliance: Part 1

Compliance is an enormous and critical focus for the healthcare industry. The focus on different areas of compliance ebbs and flows as compliance professionals gain awareness of where accrediting bodies and regulators are spending more of their focus. To understand where the industry is heading, a team of content experts from HCCS, A HealthStream Company, recently attended the Health Care Compliance Association’s 2018 Enforcement Conference

April 01, 2021


Required Elements of a Successful Resuscitation Program for the Care Continuum

Where and how healthcare is delivered has changed significantly in recent years. Former Resuscitation Training expert Donna Haynes shared these must-haves for moving towards a more rigorous resuscitation training program for the care continuum.

April 01, 2021


Think About Accountability to Improve Healthcare Employee Engagement

Creating a culture where employees own their own accountability can create higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

April 01, 2021


What's New with the False Claims Act and Healthcare Compliance?

The False Claims Act is always on the agenda as it continues to be the most effective law the government has for snagging healthcare providers in the fight against fraud, waste and abuse.

April 01, 2021


Got IT? Honor your tech pros during Healthcare Information Professionals Week

During Healthcare Information Professionals Week, explore how vital these team members are — and see if your initial onboard and continuing education opportunities are all that they need.

April 01, 2021


Use National LGBT Health Awareness Week To Address Disparities In Care

National LGBT Health Awareness Week is the ideal time to review policies and procedures in place—as well as appropriate training—for treating this large, diverse, and at-risk community with compassion and respect.

April 01, 2021


Healthcare Trend Watch — In Healthcare, We Need More Joy in Work

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is embracing the issue of burnout and calling on the industry to aim for a higher goal—not just the absence of burnout but actually the presence of joy in the workplace.

April 01, 2021