
Pairing Education & Innovation To Advance Clinical Excellence

Healthcare continuing education cannot just be lectures and lists, rather must innovate to capture its audience and lead to improved outcomes.

April 01, 2021


Alignment Is an Essential Foundation for Healthcare Organizations’ Goal Setting

Many organizations fail at vertical and horizontal alignment of goals, leaving employees confused as to what is expected of them, resulting in a lack of engagement in organizational goals and lack of positive outcomes.

April 01, 2021


Lessons Learned: Healthcare Best Practices for Disaster Preparedness

We recently spoke with multiple TeamHealth administrators and physicians who worked tirelessly to care for patients before, during, and after hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Here, they offer some suggestions for disaster preparation and response.

April 01, 2021


Biometrics: Patient Identification is Only the Beginning

While most providers rely on registrars to initiate a search of the MPI to assure positive patient identification, biometric scanning technology exists that can provide a more reliable and much faster approach.

April 01, 2021


The Real Focus of Healthcare is Moving Outside the Hospital to Outpatient Care

The move to outpatient dominance requires that leaders adopt a new mindset when thinking about how healthcare is delivered. Following are several trends that may help advance your thinking and inform decision-making in your organization.

April 01, 2021


‘Right-Sized Learning’ for Healthcare Blends Multiple Techniques for Maximum Benefit

‘Right-sized learning’ means creating an experience with the right amount of engagement and information to allow learners to retain information — and want more.

April 01, 2021


Use Employee Goal Setting and Performance Management in Your Efforts to Improve Healthcare Outcomes

Performance management and goal setting ensure that the right people at the right levels are equipped to achieve optimal outcomes. Explore and understand the value your human resources organization and processes can bring to any improvement initiatives in healthcare.

April 01, 2021


Best Practices for Enhancing and Changing Healthcare Compliance Training Programs

We can transform compliance training to unite employees towards a common goal: preventing negligent acts on non-compliance if we promote enthusiasm around compliance with the constructive use of incentives like creative communication, rewards, recognition, and elevated status.

April 01, 2021


How Identifying The ‘Why’ Improves Medical Education & Training

Continuing education in the healthcare arena must show the ‘why’ early on so that busy professionals will want to become, and stay, engaged.

April 01, 2021


Credentialing and Provider Enrollment: Improved Solutions Are Desired for 2018

Leaders are looking to optimize software solutions which provide methods to improve efficient communication and required payer ongoing verifications, as well as integration with the Council for Accountable Quality Healthcare (CAQH), State Medicaid, and Medicare enrollment.

April 01, 2021


Common Threats to Healthcare—Prepare Your Workforce to Solve Them

Healthcare faces threats from many directions, including cyber-attacks, devastating natural disasters, and the opioid crisis. We have assembled the following resources for healthcare leaders researching ways to overcome their challenges.

April 01, 2021


Advice for Non-Acute Service Providers: Focus on Staff Competency and Education

Harris predicts that value-based purchasing will drive some significant changes in the post-acute and non-acute markets. First, she points to the growing importance of employees.

April 01, 2021


Understanding the Evolution of CPR Training in Non-Acute Care Settings

Non-acute facilities face CPR-training challenges due to high turnover among both patients and staff, a situation which is slowly but steadily being addressed.

April 01, 2021


Credentialing and Provider Enrollment for 2018: General Survey Conclusions

Credentialing and provider enrollment survey results reveal an area of healthcare in flux. Shrinking revenue make these functions more important than ever and are driving a need for better enterprise-level solutions and data to power stronger decision-making.

April 01, 2021


Four Factors Contributing to High Turnover in Healthcare

While seeking to address the issue of healthcare staff turnover, it is imperative to identify exactly the factors contributing to this phenomenon. Various qualitative studies worldwide have surveyed some common reasons for staff turnover in hospitals.

April 01, 2021


Understanding the Importance of HCC Capture in At-Risk Contracts

As hospitals take on more at-risk contracts in the value-based payment era, it is increasingly important that financial officers understand HCC capture and how the health status of contracted populations is calculated. Appropriately documenting and coding a patient’s full illness burden is essential to the financial health of hospitals.

April 01, 2021


HealthStream’s Top 15 Compliance Blog Posts from 2017

Providers’ success at providing quality care is at risk when healthcare organizations are challenged by compliance. These 15 HealthStream blog posts from 2017 demonstrate our commitment to solutions focused on improving compliance.

April 01, 2021


Effective CPR Training and Workplace Integration Requires Executive Support

Executive buy-in is a core component of a competent, continual and comprehensive CPR training system for healthcare workplaces.

April 01, 2021


Good Communication is Vital to Improving Care Transitions in Frail Geriatric Patients

When care transitions are being planned, every member of the care team should listen to the patient and the family. By placing the patient and family at the center, the team can facilitate a good transition and an effective plan of care for frail geriatric patients.

April 01, 2021


Don’t Forget Staff Engagement When Working on Patient Safety Initiatives

We asked two leaders in patient safety about how they engaged staff in patient safety initiatives, and they both agreed that employee engagement with their efforts was a key to success, sharing, “You can have the best plans, but the real work happens at the bedside.

April 01, 2021