
The Value of Lifelong Learning Throughout a Healthcare Career

Lifelong learning offers individuals the opportunity to keep their knowledge and skills current through their working tenure. Here we examine how lifelong learning might apply to three healthcare professionals at different stages in their careers.

April 01, 2021


Health System Finds Education is Key for Patient Access Staff

Healthcare organizations need a formal process to train patient access staff to understand how to handle important patient financial issues. Mission Health recently developed a patient Patient access Access education program that improved departmental and revenue cycle performance.

April 01, 2021


Five Factors Changing the Delivery of Care across the Healthcare Continuum: Article

Patient and residential care across the continuum must evolve—adapting services to changing needs and technology, and developing new vehicles for care delivery. This post introduces the HealthStream article discussing five factors helping to spur this evolution.

April 01, 2021


2018 Annual Report Documents Changes in Medical Staff Credentialing

This guest blog post from VerityStream, A HealthStream Company, announces that the 2018 Annual Report on Medical Staff Credentialing has been released. It documents many ways in which the credentialing and privileging industry is changing at a rapid pace.

April 01, 2021


Using Data Insights to Improve Decision-Making about Regulatory Training and Compliance

Do you know how your compliance programs compare to those of other healthcare organizations? If you knew how you stacked up to others, do you think you might alter the decisions you are making?

April 01, 2021


An Important ER Missed Diagnosis Example and Looking for Solutions to Them

Missed diagnoses may not always occur on the grand scale of not identifying Ebola; however, they do occur and they can be just as impactful.

April 01, 2021


Five Recommendations for Improving Maternal Mental HealthCare

For incorporating maternal mental health issues into your clinical practice, you'll want to think about such options as what screening tools are you going to use and your response protocol. Here are some recommendations.

April 01, 2021


Give Preceptors the Proper Tools and Training to Ensure They Succeed

A preceptorship is a challenging role even for the experienced staff nurse. It is important to keep in mind that precepting requires a different set of skills that may or may not automatically be possessed by the preceptor.

April 01, 2021


Retention Strategies for the Care Continuum: Leadership by Example

Staff retention has grown to be one of the most significant challenges across the care continuum, affecting the entire healthcare industry. Leadership is an important strategy for reducing turnover.

April 01, 2021


Making Healthcare Organization Decisions Based on Workforce Data and Analytics

A wide array of organizations, including many in healthcare, are collecting data about employees in ways that have never before been available and using it to make important decisions, including about hiring, staff management, and employee retention.

April 01, 2021


Guidelines for Being a Successful Medical Staff Services Leader - Part II

What do MSPs have to say about what it takes to be a successful leader? Here is Part 2 of advice to medical staff leaders gathered during 30 years of work with healthcare organizations.

April 01, 2021


The Impact of Missed Diagnoses on ER Outcomes

At least 1-in-every-20 adults who seek medical care in the US, via emergency rooms or community health clinics, may walk away with the wrong diagnosis. At that estimate, 12 million Americans a year could be affected.

April 01, 2021


Suicide and Overdose Equal Medical Conditions as Reasons for Maternal Mortality

The CDC estimates that almost 20 percent of women will experience some type of depressive episode during or after pregnancy. Untreated, this can have a devastating effect on women, their innocence, and their families.

April 01, 2021


Retention Strategies for the Care Continuum: Training and Workforce Development

Staff retention has grown to be one of the most significant challenges across the care continuum, affecting the entire healthcare industry. Organizations with higher retention rates provide opportunities for individual employee development and growth on many levels.

April 01, 2021


Guidelines for Being a Successful Medical Staff Services Leader - Part I

What do MSPs have to say about what it takes to be a successful leader? Here is Part 1 of advice to medical staff leaders gathered during 30 years of work with healthcare organizations.

April 01, 2021


Think of Preceptorships as a “Cure” for New Nurses’ Challenges

One of the best ways a hospital can prepare new nurses for the rigors of their job and encourage their retention is by offering an advanced onboarding process that is anchored by a nurse preceptorship program.

April 01, 2021


Support Healthcare Compliance with Targeted Training: Articles

Here we’ve collected recent HealthStream articles with one common theme—the vital role that training can play in supporting successful healthcare compliance programs.

April 01, 2021


Changing Resuscitation Outcomes (Part 2)

For improving resuscitation outcomes, Kupchik stresses the importance of regular reporting and team-based training.

April 01, 2021


Navigating Some of the Biggest Challenges in Healthcare Compliance: eBook

Compliance Officers hold one of the most important jobs in a healthcare organization. This eBook filled with articles and best practices from thought leaders in the industry can help them navigate the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

April 01, 2021


HealthStream Partner SkillSoft Offers Learning Content Aimed at Healthcare Employee Challenges

A HealthStream partner for over 12 years, SkillSoft helps healthcare clients become more nimble and effective training organizations by providing content that engages the learner and provides learners with the tools to improve many of the skills that are necessary to succeed in their jobs.

April 01, 2021