
Why Are Certifications So Important?

HealthStream can help you build a culture of lifelong learning and provide the kind of CE that enhances recruitment and builds retention by offering thousands of titles and more than 40 certification preparation programs. The program provides reporting that makes it efficient to track all of your organizations' CE credits and uses AI to help identify critical gaps in knowledge and build a customized education program for each student.

November 08, 2022


HealthStream and the Iroquois Hospital Association – The Caring Gene Academy

HealthStream and IHA have expanded their workforce investment program to help long-term care organizations recruit, retain, train and engage a sustainable workforce.

November 07, 2022


Best Practices for a Successful Migration to an Automated Policy Management System

Automating policy management will certainly help to reduce risks and improve compliance. The process may feel overwhelming at first. However; these steps are a great blueprint for a successful implementation. If you would like to learn more about Policy Manager, contact HealthStream today.

November 03, 2022


Benefits of Ongoing or Periodic Professional Practice Evaluation Throughout a Healthcare Organization

Leverage Periodic Practice Evaluation (PPE) programs to improve individual provider performance and organizational quality.

November 02, 2022


Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Organization: Automating Policy Management and Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Technology and automation can help your organization accurately and efficiently manage processes for policy and procedure management as well as conflict of interest disclosures. Both processes are complex and fraught with potential errors that can result in litigation or fines. HealthStream can help make both processes more efficient and less vulnerable to risk.

October 28, 2022


Building Psychological Safety and Belonging in Your Unit

Psychological safety and belonging matter to nurses. Building a sense of psychological safety and belonging can improve retention, engagement and satisfaction and build a strong, creative team. Healthy work environments produce better outcomes for nurses, patients and the organization. HealthStream and AACN have partnered together to offer solutions that will help leaders create the kind of work environments where nurses will want to work.

October 20, 2022


Top 10 terrific things that caring people say after pregnancy and reproductive loss

October is Infant death awareness month so we are looking to highlight the resources we have to support.

October 20, 2022


Healthcare Policy Management: Automation Solutions

Automating policy management is the best way to achieve compliance and ensure that your staff have access to the very latest regulations. HealthStream’s Policy Manager helps you put the most current policies and procedures in the hands of your organization’s frontline staff. It can save hundreds of hours per year for the average healthcare organization and provides the kind of reporting that can make visits from regulators and accrediting bodies more efficient.

October 19, 2022


Removing Barriers to EMS Training

The elimination of the NREMT’s restrictions on distributive learning can help make EMS training faster and more cost-efficient for your organization which still meeting your accreditation requirements. HealthStream’s EMS program is a comprehensive solution to your EMS training needs.

October 18, 2022


Fostering Mental Well-Being Amongst Emergency Department Staff

The threat of verbal and physical assault on ED staff continues to grow, creating a dangerous environment for nurses and other providers. Protection of the physical and mental health of ED providers should be on the radar screen of all healthcare leaders. HealthStream, in partnership with ENA and Psych Hub, have great tools that can help build a better understanding of mental health while helping providers to develop self-care strategies that will help them to provide high quality care in the ED that is safe for both patients and their providers.

October 17, 2022


Overcoming Medical Group Turnover with a Solid Credentialing and Enrollment Process and Supporting Software

Turnover is expected in any industry, but within the healthcare industry, it can be tough to manage. Learn how the right tool, like CredentialMyDoc, can foster business continuity when turnover happens.

October 11, 2022


Privileging 101 - Introduction to Privileges: Back to Basics - Physicians

Our Privileging 101 Series covers it all, from basic education on the history and fundamentals of clinical privileging to how to navigate all the regulatory and legal aspects involved. Part 1 provides an overview of the journey physicians must complete before they can apply for privileges.

October 04, 2022


Electronic Health Records – A solution for patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare organizations

HealthStream has solutions that can help your organization make the most of your EHR. Learn how to use the data that you already have to optimize efficiency, quality, safety, scheduling, and your revenue cycle.

September 13, 2022


Life Amid COVID: Efficiency Impacts on Provider Enrollment and Credentialing

The shift to remote work in the worst times of COVID forced quick adaptation to new processes, from a technological and employee management perspective.

September 07, 2022


Building Back Your Workforce in Healthcare’s New Norm

HealthStream can help you and your organization with tools that will help build a strong and resilient workforce. The tools can help with rapid, high-quality onboarding and help your organization to demonstrate a commitment to your nursing staff.

September 06, 2022


Rapid Onboarding and Retention for New Hires

Having a great onboarding process can help you and your organization improve the quality of patient care, reduce risk and improve retention. You can have a great onboarding process by focusing on what matters – ensuring that your nursing staff are confident, competent and ready to consistently and safely apply their clinical knowledge and judgement.

September 01, 2022


When and How Should Case Logs be Used to Document Competency

Some hospitals and health systems require documentation of a certain number of admissions or consultations prior to granting privileges. Discover when and how case logs should be used to document competency.

August 26, 2022


The Importance of Evidence-Based Content

Nurses can use Google, YouTube or Tik Tok, but Dynamic Health offers a fast, safe alternative that provides point-of-care access to clinical decision support tools. These tools ensure that when nurses need it, evidence-based information will be readily available to them. With HealthStream and Dynamic Health, your organization can trust that nurses are relying on information that has been rigorously reviewed to ensure that it reflects current best practices.

August 23, 2022


Phase 3 Regulations – Ready or Not!

Surveyors will begin using Phase 3 guidance to identify non-compliance on October 24, 2022. You and your facility can get ahead of these new regulations by better understanding what is required and implementing programs that will ensure that your next survey finds your facility in full compliance.

August 12, 2022


Goodbye, Binders! The Better Staff Checklist Experience

Binders and paper records are a poor solution for standardizing and validating skills. HealthStream’s award-winning Checklist Management can help your organization with a solution that is reliable, customizable, and cost-effective and will also contribute to consistent, high-quality care for your patients.

August 10, 2022