
Hot Topics in Healthcare Compliance

At Health Care Compliance Association’s (HCCA) 4th Annual Enforcement Conference, attendees were treated to a variety of hot topics from experts in the field. Topics included new developments with the False Claims Act, Cybersecurity and Privacy Risks, the changing regulatory landscape relating to opioids, and the anatomy of a corporate integrity agreement.

April 01, 2021


10 Healthcare Trends to Watch in 2019

2019 will be a year of change in the healthcare industry but also great innovation. This article will identify ways to help your organization face the year head-on, while also addressing challenges that are influencing the delivery of care.

April 01, 2021


Where We Stand with Healthcare Conflict of Interest (COI) Compliance

Bill Sacks, former Vice President of COI Management at HCCS, a HealthStream company, interviewed compliance officers who have had distinguished careers at academic medical centers and health systems from coast to coast. Bill’s findings reveal common themes in compliance efforts that identify and manage real and perceived conflicts of interest at their institutions, as well as key lessons learned.

April 01, 2021


Personalized Development Plans are Essential for Healthcare Clinicians

We know that knowledge acquisition is not enough to move the dial on outcomes. In reality, when faced with an emergent problem on a clinical unit, there are no multiple choice answers offered. In this article, we interview Trisha Coady, HealthStream's Senior VP and General Manager of Clinical Solutions on how personalized development plans are essential for healthcare clinicians.

April 01, 2021


Eliminating Paperwork at Alternate Solutions Health Network: Create a More Valuable Checklist Experience

Every day, organizations across the care continuum use paper checklists to ensure consistency, prevent errors, and create a standard of performance for all employees. But advances in technology offer a more efficient way—now you can streamline your approach to checklists by using a checklist automation tool. In a recent webinar, Nancy Warthman of Alternate Solutions Health Network (ASHN) explains how her organization utilizes HealthStream’s award-winning Checklist Management tool to standardize and document validation of skills and track completions. Download the article to learn more.

April 01, 2021


4 Necessities to Building an Indestructible Compliance Training Program

Many healthcare organizations consider compliance to be a major headache and ask themselves why they spend so much time and energy on this function. That is why it’s important to remember that compliance programs are mandatory by Section 6401 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This article is based on the recent webinar, “4 Necessities to Building an Indestructible Compliance Training Program,” during which compliance training experts from HCCS, A HealthStream Company, shared their insights and wisdom about using education to strengthen the organizational approach to healthcare compliance. Effective compliance training that incorporates these four key principles can help employees understand their obligations and make every staff member an extension of the compliance team.

April 01, 2021


CMS Updates to ICD-10 Codes

The focus on Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) in CMS's 2018 ICD-10 Updates emphasizes the growing need for more thorough documentation around the treatment of chronically ill patients.

April 01, 2021


Elevating Resuscitation Practice at Mercy Health

HealthStream recently spoke with Angela Woods and Melissa Reichling, educators at Mercy Health, about their experience during the organization’s transition to online resuscitation training and manikin-based skills validation. Download the article now to discover how Mercy Health achieved excellence in resuscitation with the help of HealthStream.

April 01, 2021


The Transition of Care Across the Continuum: Optimizing Care for Older Adults

One in five hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries is readmitted within 30 days of discharge from an acute care setting at a cost of $2.6 billion annually. Download this article and learn more about HealthStream’s partnership with Duke Health to study ways to optimize the care of this important and growing population.

April 01, 2021


Understanding the Conditions of Participation for Home Health Agencies in 2018

The Medicare and Medicaid Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for Home Health have been revised for the first time in almost twenty years. In this article, you’ll learn more about the new CoP changes and how they have transformed the way HHAs operate.

April 01, 2021


Incivility and Bullying in Healthcare: Nine Things to Know

When rudeness, incivility, and bullying behavior occurs on a healthcare team, the consequences can be deadly. This article highlights why incivility is so prevalent in healthcare and nine ways to combat this damaging issue.

April 01, 2021


It Pays to Overhaul Compensation

Compensation is seldom seen as an overarching strategy to drive employee recruitment, retention, and satisfaction. This article demonstrates how an organization wide compensation strategy increases employee retention and satisfaction.

April 01, 2021


Prioritizing Health Literacy in Your Organization Will Improve Patient Access While Cutting Costs

There is an undeniable link between health literacy and health outcomes, but unfortunately only a small portion of Americans have the proficiency needed to manage their health. Download this article to find out how improving patient access to health information can improve patient health, increase the use of preventative services, decrease rates of hospitalization, and cut healthcare costs.

April 01, 2021


Easing the Burden: Healthcare Providers are Crying Out for Relief. Is the Government Listening?

In this article, we discuss the outcomes of the research and explore potential problems and solutions to addressing the weight of compliance regulation. Download this article to learn more.

April 01, 2021


Lifelong Learning: The Key to Remaining Relevant and Providing Safe, Effective Care

Lifelong learning is not an option in healthcare, it’s required by healthcare workers to remain relevant and continue providing safe, effective patient care. Download this article to learn how the lifelong learning movement in healthcare provides benefit and welfare for everyone in society.

April 01, 2021


Five Factors Changing the Delivery of Care Across the Healthcare Continuum

Care delivery across the healthcare continuum is changing. Today’s young seniors have high expectations for care. With longer lifespans and declining nursing home occupancies, this tech-savvy generation is shifting the delivery of healthcare. Learn how to adapt to the needs of this changing market. In this article, we explore five factors changing the delivery of care across the continuum. Download the article to learn more.

April 01, 2021


Database Comparisons Can Improve Your Decision-Making

When it comes to regulatory training and compliance effectiveness, most organizations believe they are delivering an exceptional experience of care to patients. But do they know how their program compares to other healthcare organizations? Now more than ever, comparative data is able to show us how each organization really stacks up against each other, which reveals that there is plenty of room for improvement. Download the article now to see how HealthStream’s latest data-based products, KnowledgeQ® and ComplyQ™, can help your organization pinpoint gaps in your compliance training program and create a tailored plan for improvement.

April 01, 2021


Code Red: Medical Coding Staff Issues Can Create Reimbursement Bottlenecks and Other Problems

In patient care, even when a problem is clear, the solution can often be difficult to pin down. The same is true of healthcare as an industry. Shortfalls in key staffing areas such as coding can create havoc on business operations and efficiency as fixes prove elusive. Download this article to find ways to combat these revenue cycle staffing issues.

April 01, 2021


Responsible Use of Social Media in Healthcare

The days when social media was viewed as a fun communications platform for the younger generations are definitely over. Today, social media has become the number one way to connect and socialize with one another in work and everyday life. When used correctly it is an excellent tool, but when used incorrectly it has its risks, especially in the healthcare industry. Download this article to learn tips, tricks and best practices for using social media in the healthcare industry.

April 01, 2021


With Maternal Mortality Rates on the Rise, OB Risk Must be a Priority

Maternal mortality rates in the United States are the highest for any high resource country—and that number is rising. Download this article and learn what your clinical staff can do to reverse this alarming trend.

April 01, 2021